Guarantees & Returns Policy

Kayak Detail performs several researches and experiments to offer you the best products of the big brands. Some products may be missing when used due to manufacturing defect. We have excellent relationships with all of our suppliers and will work very hard to determine if your product can be replaced by the manufacturer's warranty or not. When we acknowledge receipt of a product covered by the manufacturer's warranty, it is your responsibility to recover the product within 30 days at the Kayak Detail address indicated on the website. In the event that the 30-day period is exceeded, the guaranteed product is then returned to the manufacturer. When a manufacturer's warranty return is issued the delivery / shipment / receipt charges are the responsibility of the customer unless the manufacturer himself assumes these costs. *** Take note of the costs that are associated with the warranty of a product in the bottom of the description of the latter on the website.

Kayak Detail accepts exchanges or replacements within a maximum of 20 days from the date of purchase for any item delivered and received by the customer in new condition. After 20 days, there is no replacement or exchange possible. No pre-order can be refunded or exchanged. It is important to keep all labels and original packaging to maximize return. *** The delivery costs for a return are the responsibility of the customer. No refund, credit note, return or exchange on a gift certificate or a product on promotion is possible. No refund of merchandise is possible at Kayak Retail.

If you get a credit note after an exchange or replacement, you have 180 days from the date of purchase to use the entire credit. After 180 days, the credit note becomes invalid. As soon as a credit note is issued and sent to the customer, a period of 14 days is granted to him so that he returns at his expense the merchandise credited to the address of Kayak Detail indicated on the website. If the goods are not received by Kayak Detail within 14 days, the credit note becomes invalid and the goods received after the fact are returned to the recipient.

Delivery charges include handling, packing and taxes. The handling charges are fixed, while the shipping costs vary according to the total weight of the delivery. We advise you to group your purchases in one order. We can not group two separate orders. Your package is shipped at your own risk, special care must be taken for fragile items.

Returns proceed

  1. Contact Kayak Detail at
  2. Select; Customer Services
  3. Enter your email address
  4. Fill out all of the necessary information
  5. Submit a picture of your gear
  6. Write a brief description of the exact problem
  7. Submit